So much to talk about this week!

The Minor Prophets
Join us Sunday morning as Travis teaches about Nahum.  Read ahead or catch the The Bible Project video here.  

Book Club – this Monday!  
The first meeting of NC’s newest book club will be happening at church Monday, January 31st at 7pm.  This week the group will be tackling the first four chapters of “The Challenge of Jesus” by NT Wright.  Please contact Mike and Simon for questions.  

Questions about Vaccines
There are many feelings out there about vaccines and booster doses.  Dr. Jim Francis, a long time member of the Neighbourhood family, has offered to answer any questions that people may have around vaccines for covid.  Please email him to connect.  

Update on Myanmar
A few weeks ago, Jodie asked for prayer for the people of Myanmar.  We wanted to share some information, as well as an option to help out if you’d like to.  
Jodie’s parents have been working in Thailand/Myanmar for over 15 years with a humanitarian aid organization that they founded, Global Neighbors Canada Inc.  The conflict in Myanmar has been described as one of the world’s ‘longest running civil wars’.  Currently, the elected government has not been allowed to rule and the military has taken over which has caused massive chaos, bombing and people fleeing for their safety to the Thailand border.  Jodie’s parents are currently in Thailand now to assess how to care for the people who are coming across the border.  Global Neighbors is trying to provide some emergency food and assess the best way to help.  An appeal to the Canadian Global Affairs was presented in January but currently no action has taken place.  

Please take a moment to strengthen and advocate for the voices of the oppressed in Myanmar.  If you would like to contact Global Affairs Canada to push for action, here are the directions:

1) Visit the Government of Canada Global Affairs website and choose in the drop down menu “Foreign Affairs”
3) Under “other” write “Attention Canadian Foreign Affairs: Myanmar
4) Under “Question/comment” copy and paste this text:
To the Global Affairs Canada,
I support the people of Myanmar in their choice of their duly elected Democratic government. I call upon the Government of Canada to recognize the National Unity Government (NUG) as the true government of the people. Our Canadian government has drafted and adopted Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and we urgently ask that action be taken to care for the people of Myanmar.
5) Under “do you need a response” = choose “yes”.
6) add your email address.

The Lord’s Prayer – Revised
If you joined us this past week, you heard Jodie introduce an updated version of The Lord’s Prayer.  The version we chose is from Complete Jewish Bible.  We’ve included it in the weekly email so that we can all learn the new version that we’ll recite/read each week.  

Our Father in heaven!
May your name be kept holy.
May your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth
 as in heaven.
Give us the food we need today.
Forgive us what we have done wrong,
as we too have forgiven those
who have wronged us.
And do not lead us into hard testing,
but keep us safe from evil.
For kingship, power and
glory are yours forever.         

Thanks for sticking with us to the end of this full update.  How wonderful it is to have so much to share.  

Neighbourhood Church Team