The Minor Prophets – Micah
This week Travis will be speaking on Micah. Take a few minutes to read the book before Sunday, or catch the Bible Project video here.
Book Club – ‘Faith Seeking Understanding’
Readers, get reading!! Only 13 more days until the first meeting of the NNC Book Club! All the information is below.
Purpose: A book club for people looking to read theological books together in community. Open to anyone and everyone! The plan is to read one book every two months. The first book will be ‘The Challenge of Jesus’ by NT Wright.
Facilitators: Simon Holding and Mike Jordan
Time and Place: Last Monday of each month, at Neighbourhood Church at 7pm. Starting Monday January 31st.
Contact & sign up:
Associate Pastor Job Search
The search is on! The job listing is up on our website and we’re posting the listing far and wide. Please share this link or point any interested parties to our website: