NC Students
Students’ Ministry is a big part of our life in The Neighbourhood. Did you know that 1 in 4 of the people who come to our Sunday morning service is under the age of 17? Just like with our big people, we want the youngest people of The Neighbourhood to experience church as a place where they belong and where they experience meaningful relationship with God and with each other.
Sunday Morning Programs
UNDER 3: Our nursery is open from 10am to the end of our service. Our volunteer team is equipped with years of experience with little ones, plenty of baby cookies and a paging system if your child needs you.
PRE TO GR 1: We welcome our preschoolers to participate in the beginning of the worship service. During their class, they hear a Bible story, answer a few questions and sing some songs. We also have plenty of time for unstructured play. Our preschool class is all about showing kids how fun it can be to learn about Jesus.
GR 2-5: We have a weekly class where they will learn fundamentals of the Bible, create meaningful relationships with their teachers and classmates and deepen their knowledge of God.
GRADE 6-12: We offer periodic Sunday school classes, which changes depending on the leadership and ages in class. We also encourage older kids to get involved with the younger classes, through volunteering. Some Sundays the teens will stay in our service, as they transition through adolescence.

Mid-Week Programs
GRADE 6-8 Coming Soon!
GRADE 9-12 Coming Soon!